Q&A with Woods Fuller Litigation Attorney Tom Schartz

headshot of woods fuller litigation attorney tom schartz

Where did you grow up? 

I grew up on our family farm south of Humboldt, SD.  A little-known fact about Humboldt: at 1,703 feet of elevation, it is the highest point between the Mississippi and Missouri rivers.  

Describe yourself in 30 words.

I recently became a father, which will remain my crowning achievement.  At work, I like finding solutions to complex problems and providing quality advocacy. 

What motivated you to specialize in Litigation?

Civil litigation is a broad topic, which means you’re exposed to an admixture of clients, industries, and areas of law.  I enjoy the variety.  Litigation also provides an opportunity to build the arguments that put our clients in the best position to win, which is a great feeling. 

What do you like most about your work?

It’s a cliché, but the people.  Whether my colleagues or clients, getting to know and help them is rewarding. 

Tell us something not many people know about you.

In the fall, I enjoy predator (e.g., coyote, fox) trapping. 

The information in this blog is accurate as of the date of publication.

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