Q&A with Woods Fuller Intellectual Property Attorney Ryan Fargen

headshot of intellectual property attorney ryan fargen

Where did you grow up? 

Brookings, South Dakota

Describe yourself in 30 words.

I am curious, usually sociable, generally casual, and a bit random.  I enjoy discussions of why and how things work and connecting people to information that will help them.

What motivated you to specialize in Intellectual Property?

Simply put, I chose intellectual property because it is unique and interesting and estate planning because it is helpful to almost everyone.  Most people will never need a patent, but everyone needs some form of estate planning.  IP is very interesting and rewarding but can be isolating because it is a small world and secretive by nature.  Estate Planning tends to be more interpersonal as it is all about the clients and the life they built.  Both areas are collaborative and require great trust between attorney and client.

What do you like most about your work?

It’s never boring.  Inventions are by definition new and exciting ideas, and estate planning requires a great balance of personal skills and professional skills.

Tell us something not many people know about you.

I can solve a regular Rubik’s cube, but not at a speed that is impressive.

The information in this blog is accurate as of the date of publication.

Q&A with Woods Fuller Litigation Attorney Tom Schartz


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