Q&A with Woods Fuller Attorney Vince Jones

Vince Jones Q&A

1. Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Sioux Falls on Phillips Avenue, later moving closer to 33rd Street.

2. Describe yourself in 30 words.

Father, husband, citizen, attorney. I spend my days working as a business and real estate attorney in Sioux Falls. During the evenings, I coach my kids and (with my wife) transport them to different activities. I’m trying to raise good citizens and leave everything I touch better than I found it.    

3. What motivated you to focus on the practice of business law?

My practice wasn’t always like this. When I started practicing law, my mentor pushed me to do everything, and I did. When the economy changes, client needs can change with it. Most of the clients I developed were people I knew from growing up in Sioux Falls or met out in the community, and over time their needs evolved as they moved up through the ranks where they worked, started businesses, or took over businesses. I’m grateful to them for allowing me to work for them, and this is the way it has evolved. Another big reason I focused on business law is that Sioux Falls is such a great place to do business. It has benefitted my clients, and through them, it has benefitted me. 

4. What do you like most about your work?

The constant variety. No deal is exactly the same, and I like learning about my clients’ businesses. 

5. Tell us something that not many people know about you.

I want to hike the entire Centennial Trail in the Black Hills.

The information in this blog is accurate as of the date of publication.

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